When it comes to cats, there are many myths and theories surrounding our feline friends. While many of the myths about cats have some truth to them, not all are entirely true. When you’re a true connoisseur of cats, you are probably already familiar with the truth surrounding the following theories about cats. Keep reading for a detailed debunking of common cat myths.

Here are some of the most common myths about cats that simply aren’t true…

myths about cats

Cats always land on their feet

More times than not, cats will usually land on their feet thanks to what is referred to as the “righting reflex”. While your cat is one incredible acrobat and stealthy ninja, it is NOT true that a cat always lands on its feet. Yes, of course, it is likely, but certainly not always true. Your cat is advanced in terms of agility and reaction speed. And because of their profound “righting reflex,” they will land on their feet more times than not. But, this popular myth about cats is definitely one of the reasons that cats are said to have nine lives.

myths about cats

Milk is a good treat for cats

For this one, I believe many of us remember old cartoons filled with cute little kitties happily drinking milk out of saucers. While it’s true that your cat might want to have a lick of milk from your cereal bowl, this is by no means recommended. Reason being? Well, because cats are typically lactose intolerant.

Your cat is an obligate carnivore, and this is something you must never forget for the sake of their well-being. Unlike canines, your cat’s body can’t properly break down carbohydrates in anything other than tiny amounts. Although there are some human foods that are safe for cats in minimal quantities, your cat needs to stick to an animal protein diet in order to support optimal health and necessary bodily functions. Your cat’s genetic makeup doesn’t possess the enzymes necessary to breakdown the lactose in cow’s milk. So, although your cat might be interested in milk, avoid giving them an upset tummy by withholding it from them.

Cats are aloof/antisocial

There are people who might think cats simply want food and that is all, but such is not the case. Cats are not aloof and antisocial like some people paint them to be. Cats love attention—even if they want it strictly on their terms. And some cats are actually social butterflies who are super friendly and love meeting new people. Two of my cats are actually quite friendly and will greet anyone who comes into my home eagerly. Kittenhood is an especially important time for cats to understand that not all humans are bad, and cats who were properly socialized during this time, might be a tad friendlier than your average cat. And, of course, there are some cats who have a favorite person and that’s it for them.

Cats are all individuals, but as a whole, they are not these aloof creatures who shy away from social interaction. Think of the environment a cat is in, as this can dictate behavior. A shelter/rescue is often noisy, and this can easily make for a distant or shy cat. Surroundings, particularly loud and unfamiliar ones, can completely transform a cat’s personality.

See also

Cats are nocturnal

Did you know that the shape of your cat’s eye relates to the time in which they would hunt say if they were in the wild? Your cat has eye slits, and their big cat cousins, like lions, tigers, and cheetahs actually have a round pupil. The shape of the pupil is related to the cats’ hunting style. Your cat’s eyes are closer to the ground and they hunt in the wild at a different time than big cats would hunt, which is why they have slits.

When it comes to myths about cats, it seems that many believe that cats are nocturnal. This is especially true for cat owners whose cats will not allow them to sleep at night. While it might be 3 AM and your cat is keeping you up, biologically speaking your cat is not nocturnal. Your cat is actually a crepuscular being. This means that they are most active at dawn and at dusk. So, keep this in mind should your cat be driving you mad in the middle of the night. And remember, cats are opportunists. If you wake up and give in to their demands, they’re simply training you to do this time and time again. Stay strong!

Cats hate water

Cats are all individuals, but there are certain breeds that can share similar traits. Many people think that cats don’t like water, but such is not always the case. Did you know that there are a few cat breeds that usually love water? It might come as a surprise to some people, but anyone who has ever owned one of these cat breeds can vouch for them. The cats who are most drawn to water are Maine Coons, Norwegian Forest Cats, Turkish Angoras, Bengals, and Turkish Vans. These cats love water so much, they’ll often go for a swim! But, I will certainly say, there are some cats that absolutely hate the thought of H2O going on their bodies. And, there are a few exact reasons why they feel this strongly against water, too.

Did you learn anything new and interesting about our feline friends? Share this article with other cat lovers that you know so that they can learn something, too.

Have you ever wondered why cats are attracted to that pspsps sound? Read about it here on cattitudedaily.com.

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