Friday, July 26, 2024

Best Frozen Dog Treats: How To Make Them, Recipes & More

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Are ice cubes your dog’s best friend? It’s fun to watch your pup go to town with a dropped cube on the floor, but veterinarians warn that chomping on ice cubes can cause our dogs tooth damage. We’ve got much better alternatives to help your pup cool down and stay hydrated on hot summer days. These homemade frozen dog treats are incredibly easy to make and contain nutrient-packed dog-safe human foods.

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What You’ll Need For Homemade Frozen Dog Treats

While you can use a regular ice cube tray, we love these adorable frozen dog treat molds in the shape of paws and bones. You’ll also need a popsicle mold for our dog popsicle recipes. Finally, some recipes call for a blender or food processor.

Tips On Dog-Safe Ingredients

To help you choose the healthiest and safest options for your pup, we have some guidelines on dog-safe versions of some of the ingredients in the recipes below.

  • Peanut Butter: All-natural plain peanut butter is best for dogs. Steer clear of any product with additives, preservatives, sugars, or added salt. At a minimum, make sure your peanut butter doesn’t contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that’s extremely toxic in dogs.
  • Yogurt: Plain, Greek-styled yogurt is the ideal choice for dogs. It contains less sugar and carbohydrates than regular yogurt. But keep in mind, while small amounts of yogurt in these treats are likely okay, many dogs are lactose intolerant, so too much can cause digestive issues.
  • Pumpkin Puree: Plain canned pumpkin without added sugars, fillers, spices, or other ingredients is the way to go here. Don’t give your dog a canned pumpkin pie mixture or sugar-free canned pumpkin. Plain fresh pumpkin is also safe.

Our 7 Favorite Frozen Dog Treat Recipes

These cooling treats for dogs are sure to be a hit with your pup on a hot summer day or anytime during the year. They contain all-natural nutritious ingredients and are super easy to make.

Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Dog Treats

If your pup is a peanut butter fan, you’ll want to have these tasty and healthy treats on hand. Peanut butter is a healthy source of fat and nutrients, but don’t overdo it. Too much peanut butter can cause weight gain and obesity.

Ingredients & Instructions

Jar of Peanut Butter with sliced bananas and bowl of yogurt
  • 1 cup all-natural peanut butter
  • 32-ounce container plain Greek-style (don’t use sweetened yogurt)
  • 1 large sliced banana

Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Fill a silicone mold or ice cube tray with the mixture. Freeze for at least two hours until hard. Pop out of the mold and serve.

Source: Cooking With Janica

Frozen Pumpkin Dog Treats

Pumpkin has health benefits for dogs — it can help ease constipation and provides immune support from vitamins A, C, and E, and other antioxidants. And dogs love the taste. This recipe also contains coconut oil, which may have some benefits for dogs. Just make sure you give your dog coconut oil in moderation. The ASPCA warns that it may cause stomachupset, loose stools, or diarrhea.

Ingredients & Instructions

Can of pumpkin pure, jar of coconut oil, jar of peanut butter and cinnamon

Put all ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl and mix well. Spoon mixture into a mold or ice cube tray and place in the freezer for one to two hours. Defrost for a couple of minutes before treating your pup.

Source: Eat the Gains

Chicken & Apple Pupsicles

If you’re wondering how to make dog popsicles safe without using a chew-hazard plastic or wooden stick, there’s an easy and healthy solution. Replace the popsicle stick with a dog dental stick. This recipe is for one pupsicle, but you can bump it up to make multiple dog popsicles at a time.

Ingredients & Instructions

Apple slices, greenie stick and bowl of broth

Chop up the apple into small pieces and sprinkle a few into each popsicle mold. Pour the chicken stock over the apple bits. Place cellophane over your tray with a hole cut out over each mold. Insert a dental stick in each hole. Freeze until frozen through and serve.


Frozen Banana, Blueberry & Yogurt Bites

These refreshing frozen bites are super healthy for your pup and so easy to make. The star is these treats are blueberries. They’re a superfood, rich in fiber and antioxidants to support your dog’s immune system. And dogs love the taste.

Ingredients & Instructions

Bowl of yogurt, blueberries and sliced bananas
  • 1 overripe banana
  • 2/3 cup of blueberries
  • 1 Cup of plain yogurt

Mash banana into a creamy consistency. Mix well with an equal amount of yogurt. Spoon your mixture into your mold and top off with a blueberry. Freeze for an hour or two. Pop one out of the mold and watch your dog gobble it down.

Strawberry Banana “Smoothies”

These frozen treats are a simple and healthy option for dogs that are sensitive to dairy. Dogs love fruit, so these will be a puppy pleaser for sure.

Ingredients & Instructions

Peeled banana and bowl of Strawberries
  • 2 overripe bananas
  • 1 cup strawberries

Puree the bananas and strawberries in a food processor. You may need to add a little water to thin out the mixture. Scoop or pour your mixture into your mold or ice tray. Freeze for at least one hour and then serve to your eager pup.

Source: Homes Alive Pets

Watermelon Ice Cream For Dogs

This two-ingredient ice cream is so easy to make and will be a big hit with your pup. Watermelon is one of the healthiest fruits you can give your dog. It’s packed with nutrients, fiber, and water so it makes an excellent frozen dog treat for summer to help keep your pup hydrated.

Ingredients & Instructions

Slice of watermelon with bowl of yogurt
  • 1-1/2 cups watermelon
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt (you can substitute with coconut milk for a dairy-free option)

Dice the watermelon, remove the seeds, and freeze for at least four hours or overnight. Place the watermelon and yogurt into a blender and blend to your desired consistency — you can add more melon or yogurt to get the consistency you want. Scoop your doggie ice cream into a bowl and watch your pup lick it clean.

Source: Hunter & June

Prince & Coco’s Frozen Veggie Cubes

This recipe has a few more ingredients, but you may already have them on hand if you’re a vegetarian or a veggie-lover. The prep time is still fairly minimal, and you can be happy that you’re sharing your love of healthy greens and more with your pup.

Ingredients & Instructions

  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 4 full pieces of asparagus 
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger 
  • 32 grams butternut squash
  • 5 medium Brussels sprouts 
  • 1 teaspoon basil (fresh & chopped)
  • 1/8 cup plain bone broth (like Open Farms Bone Broth for Dogs)

Place all ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth and creamy. Pour into a mold or ice tray and freeze for one to two hours. Then let your pup enjoy!

Source: Kris D. (McLean, Va)

Best Frozen Dog Treats: Pre-Made Mixes

You can always keep these popular alternatives on hand if you want to give your pup a frozen treat but don’t want to make a grocery store trip.

Cooper’s Treats Pupsicle Starter Kit & Individual Mixes

Cooper's Treats Pupsicle Starter Kit

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Cooper’s Treats pre-made pupsicle powder mixes make DIY frozen dog treats even easier. All you have to do is add water, pour it into a mold, and freeze. The starter kit comes with a cute paw-and-bone-shaped silicone mold and two jars of their pupsicle mix, beef & cheddar, and turkey & cinnamon. Or you can purchase their mixes separately (regular or grain-free). Each jar makes about 25 treats (20 calories per treat).

Ingredients are all-natural and sourced, and made in the USA. The mix is made with real meat and contains no added sugar, salt, preservatives, color, or artificial flavors. They also offer all-natural baked biscuit mixes, freeze-dried dog treats, and yak cheese chews. Shipping is free, and you can subscribe for auto-shipping every one or two months and save 10%.


Puppy Scoops Dog Ice Cream Mix

Puppy Scoops Dog Ice Cream Mix

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Puppy Scoops mix is a popular pick among many pup parents. All you have to do is add water to the container, stir, and freeze. You can store the product at room temperature, and it has a one-year shelf life. Best of all, the ingredients are all-natural, grain-free, and lactose-free. Made in the USA, Puppy Scoops comes in five flavors: maple bacon, peanut butter, birthday cake, vanilla, and carob.


Play It Safe With DIY Dog Treats & Food

You can substitute many of your dog’s favorite healthy human snacks with the ingredients in the recipes above, but make sure you know which human foods aren’t safe for dogs. Whether you’re making homemade frozen treats, organic treats, or homemade dog food, be sure to use safe, fresh, and healthy ingredients. And with treats, moderation is key so you don’t overfeed your pup.

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